Posture Health Centre
Postural System Re-education
Posturology is a multidisciplinary medical discipline that examines the major plumb lines in the human body.
Posturology is based on postural reprogramming of the individual, preventing diseases associated with postural dysfunctions.
How does it work?
Treatment based on this therapeutic method begins with the analysis of the individual's posture and its gravitational axis. Thus, there is a search for disharmonies between the joints of the feet, ankles, knees, hip, spine and the mandibular position.
Subsequently, the focus is on checking how the body loads are distributed and how the musculature is being required to maintain posture. After all the analysis, the correction exercises are started.
What are the benefits of the treatment?
The main benefit is postural rebalancing, achieved through the correction of dysfunctions.
1. Integral evaluation of the individual: to understand the causes of postural imbalance, it is necessary to evaluate the individual integrally. In this way, several dysfunctions can be discovered. According to some scientific studies, 4 people out of 5 have a postural problem, and they don't know it.
2. Multidisciplinary team: as a result of the need to evaluate the individual's body in an integral way, it will be necessary to gather several specialties to obtain a diagnosis. Generally, the team contains specialists in osteopathy, dentistry, ophthalmology, speech therapy, kinesitherapy, general practice, orthopedics and kinesitherapy.
3. Treatment of various problems: during treatment, various dysfunctions can be discovered. The most common are muscle tension, headache, arthrosis, back problems, plantar pain, calcaneal spur and fasciitis.
4. Injury prevention: this is a benefit that causes posturology to be performed by many high-performance athletes. Biomechanical and captor adjustment helps to identify the factors that cause injury, pain and discomfort;
5. Correction of the step: one of the analyzes performed during treatment is the way the individual steps. If necessary, the use of postural insoles that promote the alignment of posture and tread will be indicated.
Stretching Sessions
The EXStretch technique:
It is a stretching technique whose main objective is to disprove the traditional concept of physical flexibility, since through this technique your body will be able to overcome the physical limits in terms of range of motion and have broader access to new possibilities.
The EXStretch technique has been fully tested and proven. It is essentially based on the concept of conscious physical and mental surrender
Why stretching is important?
Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. That puts you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage.
Benefits of stretching
• Improve your performance in physical activities
• Decrease your risk of injuries
• Help your joints move through their full range of motion
• Increase muscle blood flow
• Enable your muscles to work most effectively
• Improve your ability to do daily activities