"Live healthy, and live longer"
Five Palms Mexico
Live the longest! It's not just a wish
It's possible
A healthy soul in a healthy body, a prerequisite for living longer, is what every human being wants. It's possible, but often he doesn't know how to go about it.
Five palms has the secret by identifying three fundamental elements to monitor:
The posture of the skeleton: the skeleton is a support for the mass of the body, the muscles. If the skeletal system is not well disposed, imbalances occur which are the basis of the discomforts of the organism.
Appropriate nutrition: Without realizing it, some foods we eat are the cause of certain diseases or deteriorate existing ones.
Muscle in constant development: The muscles need to be developed, to be worked to facilitate their regeneration. Food takes care of it, as does physical exercise, in short sport.
Five palms has the secret by offering the solution:
This solution consists of welcoming clients to one of its clinics once a year for a diagnosis followed by treatment, if necessary, the main stages of which are:
Complete a questionnaire on your state of health
Do a blood test
Do an X-Ray examination
To submit to a complete diagnosis which may lead to a treatment will be carried out by an expert in kinesiology for rehabilitation or treatment of the postural system.
Start the treatment or if necessary the client can be redirected to a chiropractor for an adjustment of the skeleton
Meet a pharmacist specialized in functional nutrition and integrative medicine.
The customer may also be redirected to optional services such as:
Dental service-Chiro-therapeutic treatment - Physio-therapeutic treatment - Masso-therapeutic treatment- meditation lamp session.
Yoga and Latin dances are two other additional options.
Longevity, bodily beauty, development, happiness, renegeration, empowerment, leisure, integral wellbeing and aesthetics.
Health tourism becomes a mean contributing to the body regeneration capacity and longevity, now accessible to many people.
To offer the best bodily health care services through the establishment of modern infrastructures and the choice of experienced professionals at the most famous tourist destinations in the world.
To provide the best and highest quality dental and physical treatments in a stress-free environment.
Promote public education in preventive and regenerative health care.
Set up our well-being clinics in tourism.
Did you know ?
The longest-lived person in history (female) was Jeanne Louise Calment (born February 21, 1875) of Arles, France, 122 years and 164 days.
Kane Tanaka (Japan, born January 2, 1903) is the world's oldest living person and the world's oldest living woman at the age of 117 years and 41 days (verified on February 12, 2020).
How many years can a human being live?
Since 1900, the average life expectancy worldwide has increased more than double, thanks to better public health and hygiene, as well as better food supplies. However, a new study carried out with long-lived Italians indicates that we have not yet reached the peak of human longevity. "If there is a fixed biological limit, we are not close yet," said Elisabetta Barbi, a demographer at the University of Rome. Barbi and his colleagues published their research on June 28 in the journal Science. The current record for the longest human life expectancy was set twenty-one years ago, when Jeanne Calment, a French woman, died at the age of 122. No one has lived any longer since then, as far as scientists know. In 2016, a team of scientists from the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in the Bronx made the daring statement that Calment's case was more atypical than it seemed. They argued that humans had already reached a fixed limit of life expectancy, which was about 115 years, according to their calculations. Several critics lashed out against that investigation. "The data set was insufficient and the statistics showed serious failures," said Siegfried Hekimi, a biologist at McGill University. Anyone who studies the limits of longevity faces two major statistical challenges. There are not many people who live until advanced ages and people with that amount of years often lose track of how long they have actually lived. "At those ages, the problem is to be able to make sure that the age is real," Barbi explained. Barbi and his colleagues searched the records of Italy to find all the citizens who had reached the age of 105 between 2009 and 2015. To validate their ages, the researchers tracked their birth certificates. The team ended up collecting a database of 3 836 Italian seniors. The researchers located the death certificates of the subjects who died during the study period and determined the rates at which several age groups were dying. It has long been known that the mortality rate is somewhat high in childhood and decreases during the first years of life. He goes up again with the adults in his thirties and finally shoots up between the ages of 70 and 89. If the mortality rate continued to increase exponentially in the ages of extreme old age, then the duration of human life would have the type of limit proposed by the Einstein faculty team in 2016. Jeanne Calment set the current record for human life expectancy in 1997, when she died at the age of 122. According to what scientists know so far, no one has lived longer. However, that's not what Barbi and his colleagues discovered. They noticed that among the oldest Italians the mortality rate stops increasing: the curve suddenly flattens and stagnates forming a kind of plateau. Researchers also found that people born in later years have a slightly lower mortality rate when they reach 105 years of age. By Carl Zimmer The New York Times.
Keys to live long and healthy
Visit your specialist annually: First of all, specialists recommend making at least one annual visit to the dentist so that he can check the condition of your teeth and gums. Because even thorough brushing cannot completely remove dental plaque, mouth cleanings are recommended every six to twelve months. Likewise, you should perform a review of your teeth at least once a year. Stay active you can perform exercises that improve the muscles involved in maintaining the posture, not only the vertebral but also the abdominal and pelvic muscles It is essential to stay active and avoid a sedentary lifestyle to prevent a large number of diseases. Doing moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes a day Get enough sleep During old age it is harder to fall asleep and it becomes lighter, there are studies that show that it is due to the progressive loss of a type of neuron. However, doctors agree that 7 hours of sleep a day are recommended to lead a healthy life. Avoid stress and be positive Pessimism, stress and anxiety contribute to weakening the immune system and therefore the body becomes vulnerable to infections and other diseases. In addition, stress is directly related to several diseases. Socialize Health was traditionally defined as physical, psychic and social well-being and this last aspect of our life also has a powerful influence since it helps to stimulate the immune system. Therefore, take care of the relationship with your partner, your friends and family. If there is any conflict, forgive and forget. Don't isolate yourself, meet new people Avoid use drugs As old as you are, the consumption of substances such as alcohol or tobacco is detrimental to our health. There are many diseases that are associated with these drugs, some of them as serious as cancer. Keep your mind active Cognitive stimulation makes it possible to prevent mental illnesses in general and especially neurodegenerative diseases related to aging. Exercises such as reading, writing and numerical operations or lifelong board games such as chess, cards and dominoes keep the brain in shape. Set yourself vital goals Setting goals and objectives throughout life and achieving them through effort and daily work is the key to happiness. No matter how old we are, we must always set ourselves a new goal, a course to direct our steps. Prevention and Occupational Health Service of Madrid. Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). Ministry of Science and Innovation. Postural hygiene measures.